The unexpected connection between beer and the first date

Am citit din Newsfeed-ul meu un articol in TIME magazine despre discutiile care ar face ca dupa o prima intalnire sa urmeze si o a doua. Discutati calatorii nu filme, Aruncati mingea inapoi in terenul celuilalt, Impartasiti un secret, Preferati controversele lucrurilor monotone si... daca sperati sa fiti norocosi, preferati persoanele care prefera gustul berii :) Se pare ca exista o corelatie intre cei care iubesc gustul berii si cei care accepta sexul la prima intalnire.
Mi-am permis sa fac un sondaj printre prieteni ca sa ii gasesc pe cei carora le place gustul berii. Nu prea cred insa in calitatea statistica a corelatiei asa ca nu vom trage concluzii :)))


I was reading an article in Time magazine about what discussions on the first date should be about in order to be followed by a second one. Please read the full article at the link but the short list is: Talk travels, not movies, Bounce the ball back, Share a secret, Choose controversial over dull every time... and if you want to get lucky, choose people who like the taste of beer. It seems to be some sort of correlation between those who love the taste of beer and those who have sex on their first date. I dared to make a poll among my friends to find out who likes the taste of beer. But do not worry: I do not really buy into the quality of this statistics so I will not jump to conclusions! :)
