Generatia globalizarii

 Christine Lagarde, directoarea FMI, a tinut ieri un speech pentru absolventii Scolii Kennedy din cadrul Universitatii Harvard. Cand esti invitat sa tii un speech la astfel de ocazii, trebuie sa te asiguri ca spui ceva memorabil. Ajunge sa ne amintim ca speech-ul lui Steve Jobs in fata celor de la Stanford a facut inconjurul lumii cu diferite ocazii.

Asadar ma gandesc ca scrierea speech-ului este o sarcina dificila deoarece discursul trebuie sa fie profund intelectual, relevant dar si inspirational sau emotionant. Trebuie sa ajungi cumva sa impaci mintea cu inima, sa le cresti aripi si sa le generezi lacrimi celor care te asculta.

Intrucat pe Christine Lagarde o placeam de mai demult (am mai publicat pe blog un interviu cu ea), am deschis cumva stresata linkul discursului de la Harvard. Mi-era teama ca nu cumva sa descopar ca nu a fost la inaltimea evenimentulu, ca nu e chiar personalitatea pe care o intuiam.
But I went for nu mi-a parut rau.

Mesajul predominant a fost ca lumea in care traim este cu totul diferita de cea in care traiam acum 30 de ani. A fi competitiv astazi inseamna a fi competitiv la nivel global, a fi adaptabil si dinamic, a fi interconectat cu tot ceea ce se intampla, a sti sa comunici si sa receptezi informatia. De altfel, el a fost structurat in trei parti: The “new” world of interconnections: a world in progress; The importance of being good global citizens si Her personal story

Cititi intregul discurs pe site-ul FMI. Merita pentru cat este de cuprinzator, pentru exemplele privind lumea aflata in schimbare si pentru istoria vietii ei - a fost prima femeie ministru de finante intr-o tara din G8 si prima femeie presedinte a FMI. Dar mai ales merita pentru mesaj:

When I look back upon my life, I think I have learned two major lessons.

The first lesson: be prepared for change, don’t take anything for granted, be willing to take risks. I urge you to seek your destiny, find your destiny, fulfill your destiny. This has served me well, and I am passing it on to you.
The opportunities available to you in this dazzling new world are far greater than in my day. Take advantage of that. Stride confidently through the open door into the bright future that awaits you. Do not get trapped by the uncertainties of the present moment. Follow the poetry of Bob Dylan: “don’t think twice, it’s alright”!

The second lesson: always stand up for your values, your principles, your ideals. When I first interviewed at a law firm, I was told that I would never make partner. When I asked why, they told me it was because I was a woman. So I thanked them, walked out the door, and never looked back. Tough luck, they did not deserve me!
Whatever you choose to do in life, let it be infused with a spirit of civic virtue. Make sure that your personal destiny overlaps with the common destiny of humanity. Strive for the common good of all.
